Elvui Move Action Bars
ElvUI Raid Frames are very flexible: you can move and resize them, choose vertical or horizontal positioning. Any target data, buffs and debuffs could be configured separately for every kind of group. You can add and remove targets of your target, focus or pet, their cast bars, name, HP, level, raid icons, etc.
Elvui Move Action Bars
For example, action bar 5 button 1 summons my mount. I want to move that mount summon to action bar 2 button 1. For each button on a bar, I want to move it to the equivalent button on another bar. So action bar 5 button 2 will also move to action bar 2 button 2.
Blizzard basically made a mess with the bar names with the update. In the original UI, the interface options used descriptive names for the bars (like right action bar 1 and bottom left action bar.) If you used action bar paging, they used the labels 1-6 (which can be seen in the default UI as a number on the main action bar.) Addons typically used the action paging numbers to describe their bars.