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Rashid Fists

Serial Number Rave Report 876 [WORK]

To protect the privacy of individuals involved in these use-of-force incidents, regional and state levels of analysis are not available with data that represents 60% participation. Datasets at the regional and state level contain smaller numbers of reported incidents and less variety within the data elements. These variables increase the risk of linking specific answers in the data to individuals involved in such incidents. The UCR Program is working diligently to develop new ways to maximize data transparency while fulfilling our responsibility to protect the privacy of all individuals.

Serial Number Rave Report 876

DP-1 is engraved on bottom of metering head besides serial #. Exposure EVrange 1 to 17 with ASA 100 film. Photomic S Finder (DP2) This finder was Nikon's first meter to use LED's. It hasincreased sensitivity to light, and to batteries.

Solid statemeter construction for better reliability. Photomic SB Finder (DP3) Nikon's first Silicon cell using an improved LED readout. This isthe rarest of the various F2 meter heads. DP-3 is engraved on bottom of metering headbesides serial #. CDS cell replaced by Silicon cell for faster metering and improvedresponse. Improved finder readout, going to 3 LEDs from 2. Shutter Priority automationpossible with EE-2.

Solid state meter construction for better reliability. Photomic A Finder (DP11) Nikon's match needle CDS meter for AI coupled lenses (same styleas DP1 only for AI). DP-11 is engraved on bottom of metering head besides serial #. Willmeter with NAI lenses too, in stop down mode. Exposure EV range 1 to 17 with ASA 100 film. Photomic AS Finder (DP12) Nikon's best and most expensive meter head for the F2. AImetering, LED readout much like the later FM2.

DP-12 is engraved on bottom of meteringhead besides serial #. Increased exposure EV range of -2 to 17 with ASA 100 film. Willmeter with NAI lenses too, in stop down mode. With its combination of rugged solid stateconstruction, five position LED readout, improved silicon photo light response, and greatlow light sensitivity, the AS finder is easily the F2's best metering head.Translation: the most expensive in the used market by 2-3x. Meterless Plain Prism findersare relatively rare for the F2, due to the popularity of the F2 Photomicfinders not many were sold. Today F2 collectors are pushing the pricesup.

I. INTRODUCTIONThis Appendix to the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan isthe formally required Spill Prevention Contingency andContainment (SPCC) Plan for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science,School of Marine Science, College of William & Mary.The focus of the SPCC is on potential spills of substantial quantitiesof hazardous materials that might escape into theenvironment.II. LOCATION OF CHEMICAL AND RADIOACTIVE WASTE STORAGE BUILDINGSAND SIGNIFICANTABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANKSDue to the large number of different chemicals utilized at VIMS/SMSand the age of many structures, it must be assumed thatevery building/shed contains some type of hazardous material whetherit is of a chemical nature or asbestos.Chesapeake Bay Hall and Byrd Hall contain many and diverse laboratoriesand as such contain a large stock of chemicals andsolvents. Chemical waste and radioactive wastes are stored in the modularbuildings adjacent to Byrd Hall. The modularbuildings were designed as waste storage buildings and have internalsumps of sufficient size to contain spills of the materialswithin.Most other buildings on campus contain at least some chemicals and inan emergency should be entered with great caution. ThePrincipal Investigator (PI) or PI's lab supervisor should be contacted,if possible, to ascertain the contents of individuallaboratories.The following above ground storage tanks are used for gasoline and dieselfuel oil. All are double-walled and meet applicableEPA/DEQ standards. A supply of petroleum absorbent pads is availableat each location. Location Capacity Product Marina 3,000 gal diesel fuel Marina 1,000 gal gasoline Parking Lot Behind 1,000 gal gasoline Raleigh House The SPCC primarily considers spills from the three large above groundstorage tanks.III. CONTINGENCY PLANAs noted above, the three above ground storage tanks are modern, doublewalled tanks that were designed to meet allapplicable containment requirements. Additionally, a supply of appropriatepetroleum absorbent pads is maintained near eachtank.Because of their proximity to the navigable waters, the two tanks inthe marina are of special concern. In order to contain anyspill that might occur within the marina (and to protect the marinafrom external marine spills), a commercially purchased oilcontainment boom is stored on the bank of the marina's entrance canal.Any spills that occur are to be reported immediately according to thelines of authority and communication specified in earliersections of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan. Eitherthe EOC Director (Director of Research and AdvisoryPrograms) or the ERC (Associate Director for Safety and EnvironmentalPrograms) shall be the point of contact with outsideagencies for notification of the spill and for requests for assistance,if required. The first priority is the safety and health of allpersonnel in the immediate area. The second priority is the safetyof the environment.Any person noting an apparent defect, incipient leak, flaw, etc. inany of the above ground storage tanks is to notify theDirector of Facilities management immediately. The Director of FacilitiesManagement will from time to time visually inspecteach tank and associated hardware and, if appropriate, will arrangefor third party inspections or testing of the tanks andhardware as needed. The Director of Facilities Management will arrangesfor repairs to the tanks or their fittings promptly afterdetermining the need for same.IV. CONTAINMENTThe first act of containment is to assure that the spill has stopped.This usually can be accomplished by closing supply valves,raising the ends of hoses above the fluid level, securing pumps, etc.In the marina, it is essential that the oil containment boom be deployedas quickly as possible so that no product can passthrough the canal to the York River. Vessel Operations will need toestablish a procedure to assure that no vessel inadvertentlyattempts to penetrate the boom.There are three storm-water overflow drainage pipes that feed the tidalwaters of the marina and that have the potential to allowcontaminated water in the marina basin to flow back into the surroundingareas as well as into the marina. In the event of a spillin the area of the marina, whether directly into the water or onshore,, the drainage pipes will be secured and protected so asnot to allow the passage of the spilled product.Depending upon the quantity of product spilled, VIMS/SMS staff, underthe direction of the ERC might be able to effectfurther containment with the use of the pre-placed absorbent materials.All personnel employed in this activity must haveappropriate protective gear, such as impervious boots, coveralls, gloves,and safety glasses. In the event of a substantialterrestrial spill, it would be necessary to call for assistance, probablyin the form of trucked in sand. For a marine spill fromeither the gas or diesel tank in the marina, the oil spill containmentboom should be sufficient to control the spread of the spill.V. CLEAN-UPClean-up will be addressed as appropriate for the situation. For a minorspill, VIMS/SMS staff under the direction of the ERCshould be able to effect the clean-up with locally available absorbentmaterials. As above, all participating personnel must haveand use appropriate personal protective equipment. A larger spill willrequire the service of a commercial, (oil) spill responseand clean-up contractor. Clean-up activities must be coordinated withappropriate controlling agencies such as DEQ and theU. S. Coast Guard.VI. EASTERN SHORE LABORATORYThe primary concern at the Eastern Shore Laboratory in Wachapreagueis with the potential for spillage from the dock whilefueling vessels. The facility is equipped with an oil containment boomand with a small quantity of petroleum absorbentmaterials. In the event of a marine spill, the procedures to be followedparallel those at the Gloucester Point campus especiallyas regards prompt deployment of the containment boom. The Scientist-in-Chargeof the Eastern Shore Laboratory hason-scene responsibility until relieved by an appropriate higher authoritysuch as Coast Guard representative or fire companyofficer. In the event of a spill, the Scientist-in-Charge shall notifythe Director for Research for Advisory Programs and theAssociate Director for Safety and Environmental Programs as soon aspossible without regard to the time of day.VII. PLAN APPROVALSpill Prevention Contingency and Containment (SPCC) plans must be approvedby a professional engineer (PE).This Spill Prevention Contingency and Containment (SPCC) plan (Appendix4 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science,Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan, including other materialsby reference) has been reviewed and approved by(signed)____________________________ (seal) date March 14, 2000 Wendell B. Goodwin, P.E. Return to Table of Contents -->APPENDIX 6HEAVY WEATHER AND LOCAL DISASTER PLAN

(a) Every owner of a dog, cat, or ferret required to be immunized for rabies as defined in this chapter, shall cause the animal to be immunized by the rabies officer, his or her authorized representative, or any duly licensed veterinarian, when the animal reaches three months of age and subsequently in accordance with the intervals specified in the vaccine's license. Notwithstanding the above, the State Board of Health may establish by rule vaccine intervals or specific vaccines, or both, to be used in public rabies vaccination clinics, based on considerations such as county specific prevalence of animal rabies or risk of animal rabies and the vaccination rates of dogs, cats, and ferrets in a county. Evidence of immunization shall consist of a printed certificate furnished by the Alabama Department of Public Health, upon which shall be legibly inscribed: A description of the animal; its age, color, sex, breed, and tattoo identification, if any; the name and address of the owner; the lot number and type of vaccine used (modified live virus, inactivated virus); the name of the manufacturer, the amount of vaccine injected, and the date after which the animal is no longer considered vaccinated; and a serially numbered tag bearing the same number and year as that of the certificate. The certificate shall be dated and signed by the person authorized to administer the vaccine. Certificates not complying with the provisions of this section, or certificates issued by those persons unauthorized to administer rabies vaccine, shall not be valid. In lieu of printed certificates, licensed veterinarians may elect to utilize electronically generated and maintained certificates if the certificates contain substantially the same information as required above. A signed paper copy of the certificate prescribed herein shall be delivered to the owner of the animal immunized. A paper copy or electronic copy or evidence thereof shall be maintained by the licensed veterinarian for a period of one year past the expiration date of a certificate. An additional paper copy or electronic copy or listing shall be provided to the local rabies enforcement authority upon request by the authority and in the manner as so requested. (b) It shall be unlawful and in violation of the provisions of this chapter for any person to import, receive, sell, offer for sale, barter, or exchange animal rabies vaccine, other than antirabies vaccine intended for human use, to anyone except a duly licensed veterinarian. (c)(1) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, the State Board of Health by rule may establish procedures and qualifications for an exemption from the requirement for a vaccination for an animal if a rabies vaccination would be injurious to the animal's health. (2) An animal exempted under subdivision (1) shall be considered unvaccinated by the State Board of Health in the event of the animal's exposure to a confirmed or suspected rabid animal. (Acts 1990, No. 90-530, p. 816, 2; Act 2009-636, 1.)


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