Hack Tool
Faced with the potentially arduous task of sanding a wood floor, what would you do? Hire a pro? Rent the proper tools and do it yourself? Perhaps even shell out big bucks to buy professional grade tools? Or would you root around in your junk pile and slap together a quick and dirty floor sander from an old angle grinder? Hack Tool
Windows 95 stretched the very definition of what should constitute an operating system; it was the first version of Windows on which you could do useful things without installing a single additional application, thanks to built-in tools like WordPad (a word processor more full-featured than many of the commercially available ones of half a decade earlier) and Paint (as the name would imply, a paint program, and a surprisingly good one at that). Some third-party software publishers, suddenly faced with the prospect of their business models going up in smoke, complained voraciously to the press and to the government about this bundling. Nonetheless, the lines between operating systems and applications had been blurred forever.
Besides the clinical signs, cervical swab culture is a standard tool used to identify evidence of infection in preterm labor [9]. Nevertheless, studies of the correlation of the cervical swab culture and the evidence of intrauterine infection in preterm labor remains inconclusive [5], [10]. Practically, cervical swab culture is still performed in almost every case of preterm labor, particularly in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. However, results are usually neglected by clinicians because it takes more than 24 hours to obtain results, which is not compatible with the urgency of treating the infection.